Human Design is a blueprint of your authentic self

Human Design is the Science of Differentiation. It offers a manual of who you are. It helps you return to your truth as it shows you what energetic frequencies you carry in your aura and what makes you unique as a person. It uncovers your talents, gifts, zone of genius, and the purpose you have in this lifetime. It also shows what conditioning you are susceptible to, what shadows you might have, and all the areas that could be holding you back from achieving ultimate success. Human Design can guide you towards living and doing business in sync with who you truly are so you will be able to achieve success and reach your full potential.

Why use Human Design for business?

I can be short and sweet about this: to stop the struggle. If there’s one thing I have learned as a business owner it’s this: those one-size-fits-all marketing strategies I learned from business coaches in my life don’t work for me. Human Design taught me why they don’t work. Pushy marketing might work for some but definitely not for all. When I was using those strategies, sure I had my fair share of successes, but it cost me way too much energy. I felt exhausted and it simply wasn’t a sustainable way of doing business for me.

For example, cold calling or sliding into someone’s DM is a strategy that only really works and comes naturally to about 10% of us. I honestly never had any success cold calling, and I hated doing it. Any cold or direct approach for me doesn’t work. So if you feel that one-size-fits-all marketing strategies are not for you either, then read on to find out why + to discover what could work for you.

When you do business as your true self, you will become instantly magnetic to the best clients, the right opportunities come along and it will stop the endless struggle and resistance. When you live and do business according to your Human Design Blueprint you will be in flow with the world and everyone around you.

How Human Design Can Grow Your Business

Here are some examples of how Human Design can help you as a business leader and what your unique Human Design chart, also called bodygraph, can reveal so you can start making the transformation of becoming 100% you and truly magnetic to customers:

  • How you can make correct decisions
  • What role as a business leader suits you best
  • What your life’s purpose is
  • What marketing approach works best for you
  • Your Magnetic Message
  • How to communicate to get the best clients
  • What services/programs to launch
  • If specializing (your expertise) is a smart move
  • If picking a niche is right for you
  • What your zone of genius is
  • What your strengths and unique gifts are
  • How to protect your energy
  • What your manifestation style is
  • How you can best digest information and food
  • What money blocks your might have
  • What type of environment is healthy and supportive for you
    …and so much more

Do you want to discover what PR & Marketing Strategies would work for you and your Human Design Type? Do you feel that those one-size-fits-all marketing strategies are not for you either? Then I got something special for you.

I created The Ultimate Guide To Magnetic PR and Marketing by Human Design for conscious entrepreneurs and business leaders. This guide will help you find your brand voice and teach you the basics of what you need to know to get started doing business and marketing as your true self. You can get it for free below.

The Ultimate Guide to Magnetic PR & Marketing by Human Design

Receive my free guide: Magnetic PR & Marketing by Human Design
Human Design Business Guide

Do you want a more in-depth understanding of your Human Design chart?

Here are two options that I can help:

Do you want to know what your talents, unique gifts, and life purpose is according to your Human Design so you can start to experience more ease, flow, and success in business? Then this one-off session is for you.

Are you looking for your next breakthrough but do you keep hitting a brick wall? This exclusive 1:1 day is designed for you to have insights, epiphanies, and breakthroughs. You will be able to move forward with complete clarity, renewed energy, and a practical PR/marketing plan that is in alignment with who you truly are. Moving forward you will be on the path to ultimate success.