Are You Living Your True Purpose? Find Out How Your Incarnation Cross in Human Design Reveals Your Path

Are you living your purpose, or do you often wonder what your purpose is? Does your life and business give you meaning?

Or do you sometimes wonder why you do what you do, and are you just going through the motions, not living the life you’re truly meant to lead?

Did you know that the more you are living as your true authentic self, the more meaning and fulfillment you will find?

What does Incarnation Cross mean in Human Design?

In Human Design, your Incarnation Cross shows your Life’s Purpose but this path will only reveal itself when you start living more as your authentic self.

You might want to ask yourself these questions:

 What is it that I really want in life?

• What fills me with passion, inspires me, and gives me energy?

• What kind of life do I want to lead (and not what others expect me to)?

How to find your Incarnation Cross in your Human Design Chart

Your Incarnation Cross is derived from your Conscious and Unconscious Sun and Earth in your chart. It consists of 4 gates that make up your Incarnation Cross together.

Understanding your Incarnation Cross can unlock a life with so much more passion and purpose. 

The most important gate is your Conscious Sun gate which accounts for about 70% of your personality.

You are here to embody this energy. It is who you are at your very core and it will help you live a more fulfilling, joyful life.

When you live in harmony with your true self, everything from business opportunities to relationships begins to align more seamlessly.

Ready for transformation?

Do you want to discover the meaning behind your Incarnation Cross and integrate Human Design into your life and business so that you can experience unparalleled growth in all aspects of your life? Feel free to contact me.